Another classic old New Hampshire license plate stands tall in this category: The misunderstood red-on-white "78 Interim" New Hampshire license plate, sticking out so visibly in the state run. Many are green on the back, which means that they were first painted green all around, then white on the obverse, with red on top of that for the numbers -- and some of these were again painted with green on the numbers, showing red underneath. All of this occured in one year, while new plates were being prepared for the following year. The only thing missing was a slogan, "Keep Painting or Die!"
Toughest/Most Rare New Hampshire plates: There aren't many, as most old NH license plates are as available as pinecones in the Presidentials. But a few are tough, and these obviously include the 1905 through 1911 first issue porcelain license - and also a painted 1912, New Hampshire's second issue license plate, which appeared for just one year smack dab in the middle of a 14 year period during which only porcelain license plates were on the road. The paint quality on the 1912 was poor, and embossed tin was abandoned as a license plate style for nearly a decade afterward. Consequently, a really nice antique license plate of 1912 from New Hampshire is not easy to find.
New & Old New Hampshire License plate slogans:
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